Transferring session from one web language to other

Today, someone ask me how to transfer values in Session of ASP code to ASP.NET code. Well I didn’t search much if MS has done any effort in making some function in ASP.NET to have that. But I am sure they don’t. Why one need to do so? But in case you need to do that than follow simple step

 1) In your ASP Code, don’t use Session at all. If you need to do so (say for login), than write those session in some File on Server. (you can use Cookies but what if Client doesn’t support cookies ?).

2) In your ASP.NET on every page load… (or PAge call) read that file (you can use Db if you want) and read complete session as your write in ASP.

3) Do vice versa, so ASP.NET changes to session reflects in ASP too 🙂

And enjoy.. why you need to take tension of finding a long function. This method will work even for PHP and JSP pages. I mean for all programming languages for web it works.

Simple Isn’t it