Linux Upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04: Save the day
So, this fine sunday, I think I wake with “lets spoil the day” mood. I start by checking my server to see how it is doing. A regular log view and updates I perform on my VPS. all was good, until I realise an update is available for my billing software. I decide to purchase…
Linux yet again try to gain popularity on MS
I have continously notify how opensource gaints are using microsoft name to get popularity. Today I got a newsletter which says “Linux kicks Microsoft back” . After reading this I follow some links and found some interesting fact. First here is what I understand as summary of article. Microsoft says 93% of mini laptops worldwide…
Google Chrome OS: What an Idea?
watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QRO3gKj3qw Google Chrome OS is not an OS but a Computer hardware running only a Browser. This sounds good, but do we really need such thing ? Or more over are we really ready for it? At first the idea looks very good, and if you consider your children who came back…
Windows Vista is Better than Windows 2000 ?
I recently read an article on Vista been less secure than windows 2000. I put a valid point for discussion in my forum, take a look and post your comments http://www.code3d.info/code3d/Forum/tabid/55/forumid/24/threadid/21/scope/posts/Default.aspx It is a request as if Vista is not secure I need to switch over 🙂