Some Cool WordPress Plugin

Lately, I got lot of wordpress site, that were not just blog or business website. But they are ecommerce, Restaurant Ordering, Video streaming and much more. Been a developer I always remain engage in making some sort of plugin for them. Though following list of plugin assist me a big time in saving time to do some of works I usually have to do to make some really nasty site in wordpress:

The list is of plugin I usually use, but not restricted to. There are couple more of plugin but currently I am unable to recall them. Meanwhile we also create a small plugin used for very limited set of user: [Allow only members to see the complete site].

I have few other plugin coming up, but still not ready to launch them in public as they are not yet finish or are mature products. Love the fact that WordPress plugin development is as cool as working on any other project. Just need some good idea to make it possible.
