Rclone: Google Drive configuration

One of my client ask to configure server backup on his google drive account. The setup documentation for rclone is very good in this regard. However, there is one little problem, that Google drive ask for Web browser based consent and since I am doing remote server work with CLI, there is no way I can run the web url from server directly. Now, there maybe different ways available like I can try to run user from public IP of server, but then I have to open port on server etc. For just one URL or install a text browser which doesn’t very well for google URL.

So, I use ngork, I just download it’s Linux addition bind it to Port that rclone suggest. And now I can use their temporary URL to run the port outside on my desktop machine. It took 2-3 minute to get it up and running and then removal from server [for security reasons].

Just making this note for future reference. Then to access any URL we can use ngork subdomain capabilities to proxy and use it outside server.