HTML Textarea Word Wrapping

Today I discovered a new thing, it sound silly to most of developers, and might laugh on me… But Today I understood the mean of wrap=”hard” for Textarea :).

Actually we hava a textarea for product description, and programmer add wrap=”hard” in description, not sure why? And while displaying description for product, we just replace Line Break, Carriage return (\r\n or vbCRLF) with HTML Line Break
Sound simple, but I found that after doing this I got exact formatting of text that I have in textarea. No matter I put Line break in text or not, it always take line break .. 🙁

This is the result of wrap=”hard” in textarea… It preserve the Formatting of text as its in terms of text wrapping and send that in that manner in POST Header.

Good thing to learn about HTML (Basic of Internet and its success )