Category: Programming

  • z-Index: Short note

    It is been sometime I try my hand to CSS. But today when I got a chance to work on Jquery Animation to make it smoother than what it was, I realise that I never work with Z-index property. It is not that I don’t know about it, but it always is pain and I…

  • Video Shopping Plugin

    Just finish coding major stuff of Video plugin for wordpress that enable Purchase of Video and then view to only registered members. This use Paypal Express Checkout as payment gateway. Love coding on wordpress at time, though it is not as good as doing in custom CMS, but still very much a home for me…

  • WordPress Plugin: Localization

    This is quick steps on how to create your own Language file for wordpress plugin. I hope you know that you can call wordpress localization functions as echo __(‘text your want to display’, ‘your-unique-language-textdomain’);  This localization is done using internal function of wordpress, where it load language file for given language wordpress is set, and…

  • WordPress: Black and White Post Overlay Image

    One of my client ask us to create Black and white thumbnail for wordpress blog post that on mouse over turn coloured. This is pretty common effect now a days and with my custom PHP or ASP.NET programming we usually create black and white image at time of upload and save it. This is what…

  • ASP.NET: Why my cookie is not saving

    Funny, today after years I thought to finally use Cookies in one of my project. It is probably my first attempt to use Cookie in ASP.NET in last 5 yrs. WOW, that is amazing. Anyways, I just notice one thing and thought it might help any first timer, so here is the key note I…

  • PHP Mobile Detection

    Just a quick note, to detect the mobile/tablet/desktop this script looks promising : I try to detect it my Windows Mango phone, it does detect it as Mobile, though I hate that it doesn’t recognize Windows Mango yet. But looks promising and it is easier to implement it as well.

  • WKHTMLTOPDF: A Free PDF solution

    As any other developer we often find it difficult to get a Website to print something accurately, specially when printing labels for mailing as they are outside the default print area for most browser and no client want to adjust or memorize the print setting to adjust them manually. Also it doesn’t make sense to…