Category: C#.NET

  • Progress bar for long running ASP.NET scripts

    Though I have posted in my old blog, but just to keep track of this.. This article suggest a method on how to show progress bar in your web application.

  • Printing Text Document in .NET 2.0

    Some time reporting tools are too heavy to use with a small application. Something similar happens with me, I need to print a Single page text information for this I cannot use any Heavy reporting software although this information is fetched from XML/Database. So I opt to use in built .NET feature and having following…

  • Creating Schedular application in Windows

    This can be done in many ways. Often I see my collegues doing a ASP script that they schedule to run with Browser. As this seems quite obvious thing for them. An ASP scripts can run better in browser when called through IIS, and they can then schedule to run at given time and calling…

  • Sending inline Image using C#.NET

    Recently i have to send an inline image in my outgoing automated email. I don’t know that it was that easy.. Read this article for sending inline image using C#.NET Sumit Gupta

  • Two Forms in ASP.Net

    Hi, As any other ASP.Net developer, I was not feeling comfortable with only one form concept that ASP.Net has (not sure about v2.0 as never work on it). Also, when you have to put something like google Search or other such service on your Site and place for such “explicit” forms are in middle of…