Category: Operating System

  • Why we don’t need VPS?

    Late last year, I was pretty happy to have a budget to take a VPS for my company. This was first server that we own. What a great feeling to have it. But soon the great feeling becomes a nightmare. It was not that hosting company is not that good, it was just that the…

  • Classic ASP : Enable Debug mode on IIS7

    After a long time today I need to work on Classic ASP website. Ofcourse, it was debugging job and the first hurdle was to make the site running in my test environment where unfortunately I don’t have Debugging for enabled. So, I thought to do that by changing my IIS 7 setting so I…

  • Read System TimeZone to DB

    I was looking for the TimeZone Database which also need to told me if Given Timezone is DayLightSaving enabled or not. After searching few hours on Internet I found few database that do not tell the Daylight Saving stuff. Then I found a function in TimeZoneInfo class that list all System Timezone, I loop through…

  • MySql 5.5 : funny about it

    Just saw the release note of MySql 5.5. Looks exciting upgrade, but what looks most funny about the software is the fact that they claim to improve performance by 1500% on windows [some 372% on linux]. Looks great work by them. But I found this information funny, as my some Open source lover friends always…

  • Ejabbered – Service Failure on Window

    Found a fix for this “Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion” 1. Open RegEdit2. Navigate to this key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ejabberd3. Under “DependOnService”, change “LanmanWorkstation” to “” (empty string)4. Reboot

  • .htaccess Hack

    Today, I got another wordpress that stop working and start giving 404 error. Previously client got it fixed by removing .htaccess from his installation and get it working. I thought he might mess his wordpress himself. But when we got similar error today I search and little and find that in .htaccess there is a…

  • IIRF: URL Rewrite, 64bit resolved

    Wow, it was hard 48hrs trying to get URL Rewrite for IIS 6.0. Most of solutions are paid and hence not my piece of cake. Especially when I found a great IIRF which is free. However the developer has problem that he doesn’t have 64bit machine to test and fix. Same is with me, but…