Good Password
Ever since I got company server to manage and create user account, email account. I found it very hard to do so as thinking a new password is not that easy. But my quest end when I landed on http://www.goodpassword.com, where they generate password for us and that too for free. Give it a try…
Found great Linux Tips from this blog
A Linux freak, with his experience on OS. Very good techincal blog for linux advance user. http://lightoflamp.blogspot.com/
Online Photo Editing Software Picnik.com
ITs really a picnik for editing a photo. Provides greate tools for common users. http://www.picnik.com
Brian Desmond’s blog
It contains lots of great tool and scripts… http://briandesmond.com/blog/ This blog is bookmark site for great collections on windows and cisco.
Google Logos
On a new year, I found a new logo on google, and wonder what they do with old logos…I search google for its logo and reach google logo collection since 1999… http://www.google.com/holidaylogos.html I must see for designer to see the creativity of logo designer and its really fun for public to see the good efforts…
Whois utility for Microsoft Windows
Check this software http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/Whois.mspx I download it, copy paste the exe in my C:\Windows\System32 and now I have new command available on my XP command prompt to find whois of domains. great work 🙂
POP3 Mail accessing with SSL
I have lately create an class in PHP 4 to connect and do POP3 mailbox handling. However, that class is not able to utilize the SSL connection and hence it fails when I have to access my Gmail (Now Google Mail ) account which use SSL connection for the purpose. For this I found another…