Category: Bookmarked

  • Yet Another Great Free service from Google: Google Chart

    Do you always want to have charts on your application, but afraid a developer would ask for high price. OR if you are a developer and looking for effective charting solution for your application. Then the good news is google has already taken care of it. Create your own chart with ease using this,…

  • WebDeveloper Handbook

    Bookmark to great link where there are lot of resources are bookmarked for web developers

  • English to Hindi Translation made easy : Yet again by Google

    I just discovered that English to hindi translation is easy with new Language tool of Google. Here is link for Hindi to English translation

  • Windows Vista is Better than Windows 2000 ?

    I recently read an article on Vista been less secure than windows 2000. I put a valid point for discussion in my forum, take a look and post your comments It is a request as if Vista is not secure I need to switch over 🙂

  • Google Base and Google Product Search : Are one, but different

    Google Base is an attempt to overcome Froogle failure (Renamed to Google product search now). Google base works with Google product search, but still they are different. The main reason of this is define in this undocumentment part of it Can €™t find your items in Google Product Search. Why ? Earlier their was…

  • Soon we have .परीक्षा instead of .com

    I just visit my TLD list at  and found that multilanguage TLD are under testing and the hindi (devnagari) domain for testing is .परीक्षा (Examination in english). there are other language TLD under testing as well. I am really excited to see my blog with hindi domain. Hope they finish their testing before next…


    Developers own forum, discuss any programming language, any programming culture. This website is dedicated forum for developer, where you discuss and only discuss your programming and software development. is a home for every software developer. Please visit this site and share this new world. (This website is just launched and need members like you).